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Jodi Cole, Esq.

The Law Office of Jodi Cole, PLLC
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Jodi Cole, Esq.
The Law Office of Jodi Cole, PLLC

Jodi Cole has been practicing law since 2004, practicing state and federal criminal defense work in Austin, Texas for the first fifteen years of law practice. She began practicing civil law in 2019 after relocating to Far West Texas. 

Ms. Cole served as the Municipal Judge for the City of Alpine, Texas during the second half of the pandemic, helping establish a virtual hybrid court and establish full municipal court autonomy for the community. Ms. Cole has won trials and appeals, including a successful outcome for a Fifth Circuit appeal after oral argument in 2021. She has secured the release of client Bernie Tiede from a life sentence from a murder conviction for two years, helping him reenter society with Richard Linklater, and fighting to keep Mr. Tiede released with Co-counsel Mike DeGeurin in a grueling East Texas sentencing trial against the Texas Attorney General’s Office. Ms. Cole has been recognized as a Texas Rising Star Superlawyer for 2010, 2011, and 2013. Ms. Cole has also received the National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Trial Lawyers recognition for multiple years. She has had cases featured in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Texas Monthly, Austin American Statesman, the Big Bend Sentinel, the Big Bend Gazette, Marfa Public Radio and on NPR’s Fresh Air. Ms. Cole has also appeared on the investigative news magazines 48 Hours and 20/20.

In the past, Ms. Cole has served as president of a non-profit called Community Yoga Austin in Austin, helping to provide yoga to incarcerated inmates. She has also served on the Capital Area AIDS Legal Project (“CAALP”) board , providing pro bono representation to HIV positive members of the Austin community. Ms. Cole enjoys writing, painting, running, yoga, swimming, and traveling. Ms. Cole is a member of the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council and enjoys the hobby of wildlife rehabilitation. Ms. Cole has successfully and proudly rehabilitated and released baby possums, squirrels, blue jays, and a baby mockingbird.

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