Attorney Juan J. Cordero has been practicing law in Florida 23+ years. In those 23+ years he has been honored to represent many families that have had a love one injured because of the negligence of another. Juan J. Cordero is an Adjunct Professor of Law and Business Law at Indian River State College. He was born and raised in Miami which gives him a unique perspective in getting the best results for every client. The Juan Cordero Lawyers team has represented clients in auto accidents, slip and falls, crime victim cases, air bag injury, brain injury, paralysis, wrongful death, pool drowning, sexual assault, burn victims, negligent security, work accident, explosion accidents, cruiseline accidents, medical malpractice, trucking accident, motorcycle accidents, amusement park accidents, mobile home fires, roll over cases, as well as many other areas of the law. We have helped recover millions of dollars for our client's injuries. In addition, Mr. Cordero is a combat 2x veteran from the United States Army and was a member of Task Force 118 and the 101st Airborne during his time in the military. In his 23+ years of practice Mr. Cordero has also represented several elected officials and public figures in notable case. Juan Cordero Lawyer has dedicated countless hours in helping the community as a Crime Victim Advocate to reduce Crime in Florida by making streets safer. He also has been a High School Baseball Coach at Miami Beach High School were he gave back to the youth of the community. He won the Miami Herald High School Baseball Coach of the Year in 2017 for his tireless work. His life has been about serving our community. Call us now and one of our attorneys with experience in negligence cases will help you in any Injury from an accident, injury from a work accident, injury from a slip and fall, injury from a medical malpractice, injury from a violent crime, injury from a car defect - airbag rollover seatbelt tires, explosion or any other negligence of another.Â