Ms. Toale is a named partner in mctlaw, where she is the most senior of the firm's vaccine injury litigators. She has 30 years of legal experience, including extensive experience litigating vaccine injury cases, her exclusive area of practice since 2003. Early in her vaccine career, she won a payout of $61 million dollars over the expected lifetime of a child who experienced a severe and debilitating reaction to the DTaP vaccine. This vaccine case was scientifically complicated and the child’s future needs were extensive.
Ms. Toale serves as co-chair of the American Association for Justice (AAJ) Vaccine Injury Litigation Group. She has also previously served as president of the national Vaccine Injured Petitioners Bar Association and has remained active on the board ever since. She is currently serving a second term as vice president and also founded and chairs the bar’s appellate advisory council, which helps practitioners evaluate and present cases for appeal.
She is a frequent speaker at professional conferences on vaccine injury litigation and is routinely sought out by the media for interviews based on her expertise in this area of law.