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Briny Woods

Woods Williford, P.C. - Irvine
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Briny Woods
Woods Williford, P.C. - Irvine

Briny Woods is an experienced litigator and has successfully represented numerous clients throughout the State of California.

Mr. Woods has also been on both sides of the litigation, representing plaintiffs and defendants. For numerous years he represented insurance companies in defense cases, which has given him the knowledge of what their strategies may include. In the defense field, Mr. Woods was selected by a major insurance company to train insurance adjusters on how to handle litigation cases and was further responsible to train adjusters on handling premises liability cases, which typically involved slips, trips, and falls.

Mr. Woods has effectively litigated cases as "simple" as minimal impact rear-end auto accidents to complex major crashes involving big rigs where clients suffering serious bodily injuries. By working on both sides of the spectrum, he knows and combats the fact that insurance companies will attempt to pay as little as they can.

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