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Danay Gonzalez

Rodriguez & Associates
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Danay Gonzalez
Rodriguez & Associates

Danay was born in Bakersfield and raised in Lamont, California. In this small town, her family owned a jewelry store where Danay grew up learning the value of community. There, she learned how to work hard and interact with customers. While they loved their home in Lamont, Danay’s family moved to Bakersfield to pursue new opportunities when she was in the eighth grade. She went on to graduate from Ridgeview High School, where she enjoyed being in choir and theatre, reading and writing in her English classes, and debating politics with her fellow students in AP courses.

After high school, Danay attended UCLA, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in Political Science in 2013 (Once a Bruin, always a Bruin!). While she loved living in Los Angeles and experiencing a different life with new horizons in the city, she always knew that she wanted to come home and be a positive influence in her community.

Growing up in Lamont, she saw that many of her classmates were afraid to speak up for themselves at the risk of being deported or getting their families in trouble. She saw them living in fear, and she knew that it wasn’t right. She saw the way that the people of her community looked up to Daniel Rodriguez, not only for being a successful member of the Hispanic community, but also for the way that he fought for the rights of her friends and neighbors. Because of his influence, she knew she wanted to become a lawyer and stand up for people’s rights like he does. Coming from a family where her grandparents couldn’t read, write, or speak English, Danay is passionate about giving a voice to the people who need it most.

After graduating from UCLA, Danay went on to attend and graduate from Chapman University, Dale E. Fowler School of Law. She was fortunate enough to pass the July 2017 Bar Exam on her first try. After working several summers as a Law Clerk here at Rodriguez & Associates, she is a natural fit in the firm as an attorney, where she gets to join in the fight to protect the rights of the people of this community.

When she isn’t working hard at the Bakersfield personal injury law firm, Danay loves spending quality time with her family and her husband. She also enjoys working out and singing both English and Spanish ballads.

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