Second Office Location:
8586 Potter Park Dr. Ste. 102
Sarasota, FL 34238
Office 941-667-6800
Cell 941-600-9494
Fax 941-296-8178
About Venice Attorney David Harris
David Hughes Harris is an expert personal injury lawyer based in Venice, Florida. David serves all Southwest Florida in major injury claims.
David has been a trial lawyer since 1995. He founded Harris Law in 2010, and his approach is simple: Value every client every time. Harris Law works to fulfill that vision and approach every day. This office is a client-responsive personal injury law practice built on experience, drive, and determination to see justice done for clients.
Every client David represents is viewed as he or she is: a unique person of unlimited value. Every client plays an important role in his or her claim, staying updated and involved throughout the representation. Every client, every time.
David's Focus, Mission, and Goals for You and Your Important Injury Claim
When it comes to representing clients, the David's purpose is to help people face some of their most difficult challenges while striving to provide them with the financial means to do so.
Clients. Genuinely good people who have been harmed by the wrongful conduct of others.
Justice. Providing the best advocacy to secure justice for clients.
Compensation. Obtaining the most compensation to make up for harms and losses.
The best work we do happens when the client is good, decent, and honest. You have genuine needs and keep open lines of communication with David.
Money is not everything, of course, and in and of itself can never truly make up for client's harms and losses. Money can, however, often make a difference when it comes to providing comfort, security, and having access to the best care and treatment in the future.