Attorney Gary Payne works with the firm’s Catastrophic Personal Injury and Complex Litigation Teams and performs many of the day-to-day Risk Management operations.
Gary was hired in 2003 to work with the Pharmaceutical Group and was promoted to shareholder in 2018. He was a trial team leader for the OxyContin litigation but also provided risk management for the litigation. He reviewed statute of limitation requirements, responded to client questions and established a check and balance system to safeguard client information. Once the cases resolved, Gary began implementing his risk management strategies firm-wide.
“The firm has the highest of standards when it comes to helping our clients and advocating for their interests,” Gary explained. “This includes protecting the confidential and privileged information we receive from them during the course of our representation.”
Today, Gary stays on the forefront of legal ethics and malpractice trends and best practices. He works with management to implement policies to ensure compliance. He also partners with the firm’s technology department on cyber security procedures, electronic discovery and document review processes.
Gary earned his undergraduate degree in biblical studies in 1992 from Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God, where he graduated summa cum laude as a co-valedictorian. In 2000, Gary graduated cum laude with his J.D. from Salmon P. Chase College of Law at Northern Kentucky University. While in law school, Gary was a member and clerk of the moot court and a member of the National Trial Advocacy Team.
He is admitted to practice in Illinois, Kentucky and in multiple federal district courts.
“The firm is my employer, but I still consider myself as working for our clients,” Gary said.
Bar and Court Admissions:
Kentucky 2000
Illinois 2004
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois
U.S. District Court for the Central District of Illinois
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky
U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit
Clerk of the Moot Court, 1999-2000
“Best Oralist” Gilbert A. Bettman Intramural Moot Court Competition 1998
Member, National Trial Advocacy Team, 1999-2000
CALI Excellence for the Future Award in Trial Advocacy, 1999
Anderson Publishing Co. Book Award for Scholastic Excellence Trial Advocacy
Chase Inn of Court, 1999-2000
American Bar Association
Kentucky Bar Association
Illinois State Bar Association
Illinois Trial Lawyers Association
Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Highland Heights, KY, 2000, J.D.; Honors: Cum Laude
Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God, Lakeland, FL, B.A.; Honors: Summa Cum Laude; Co-Valedictorian, Winter 1992; Major:Biblical Studies