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Laura Yaeger

Yaeger Law, PLLC
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Laura Yaeger
Yaeger Law, PLLC
St. Petersburg,

Laura Yaeger, founder of Yaeger Law, PLLC, has practiced complex litigation involving pharmaceutical drugs and medical device product liability cases for almost 20 years. Throughout her legal career, Laura has been a strong advocate for clients through individual litigation and nation-wide Multi-District Litigation. With a clear focus on the details of her client’s cases, combined with her unique experience and skill, Laura has proven her ability to achieve success in complex litigation. She has represented thousands of individuals that have been harmed by the conduct of others. Laura has managed large teams of associates, contract attorneys, paralegals, and litigation support assistants to accomplish various tasks related to all aspects of litigating complex mass actions without losing sight of the details of individual cases. During her mass tort career, Laura has been appointed to several Plaintiff Steering Committees, including, Stryker Rejuvenate & ABGII MDL #2441, Transvaginal Mesh MDL #’s 2187, 2327, 2325, & 2326, Essure California JCCP # 4887 and Risperdal/Invega California JCCP #4775.

A native Floridian, Laura was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She attended Florida State University earning a degree in English Education. Laura graduated with honors from St. Thomas University School of Law in 1996. After law school, she was admitted to the Texas Bar and practiced law in Houston, Texas focusing on pharmaceutical and medical device litigation. In May 2009, she graduated with honors from University of Houston Law Center obtaining her Masters in Health Law. While at University of Houston, Laura was awarded the 7th Annual Robert S. Toth LL.M Writing Award in 2009 for her article titled, Amendment 7: Medical Tradition v. The Will of the People, Has Florida’s Peer Review Privilege Vanished?. The article was published in the Journal of Law & Medicine.

In 2013, she was admitted to the Florida Bar. Laura is an active member of the American Association of Justice. She currently serves on the Board of Governors, the Women’s Trial Lawyer Caucus Executive Board and is Past Chair and co-founder of the LGBT Caucus. She is also Co-Chair of the Risperdal/Invega Litigation Group. Over the last few years, Laura has been honored to speak at several mass tort related seminars, including AAJ’s Hot Topic & Trends in Litigation, HarrisMartin’s Dialysis Injury Litigation Conference, AAJ’s Education Risperdal Litigation Webinar, HB Litigation’s Mass Tort Med School, AAJ’s WTLC’s Leadership Summit, the Texas Women Rainmaker’s annual conference, the Women en Mass annual conference and the Kentucky Women Trial Lawyer’s Retreat.

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