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Loyd Bourgeois, Jr.

Loyd J Bourgeois Injury & Accident Lawyer
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Loyd Bourgeois, Jr.
Loyd J Bourgeois Injury & Accident Lawyer

Growing up, I had the typical south-Louisiana experience. I learned to swim before I could walk when I was thrown from the boat while fishing down in Lafitte (I don’t know anyone who didn’t learn to swim that way). I used to know French may che. I raised alligators taken from the nest after wrestling mom for fun. And I used to have this great Cajun accent when I was the waterboy for the school’s football team.

My name is Loyd Bourgeois. And while that is not exactly my life story, it’s close. Okay. Maybe not. But this is…

I am a native-Louisianian, growing up in a small town in St. Charles Parish named Bayou Gauche. I am a Catholic family man with three beautiful children and a loving wife. I have an engineering degree from LSU and graduated cum laude from Tulane Law School.

I was first drawn into the fight for long-term disability benefits when I had to fight for a relative’s disability benefits. My cousin was “on disability” but the disability insurance company “determined” she was able to work even though the disability insurance company never examined my relative. The long-term disability insurer made its determination although my relative was still suffering many negative effects from having brain cancer, brain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

The denial occurred after my relative had received benefits for two years. I learned this was a common practice in the disability insurance industry and is called the “any occupation review.”

The methods the long-term disability insurance company used to deny further benefits and the arguments they made truly astounded me. I was ticked and fought hard to get them to overturn their decision. Eventually, we won. But it took months.

What I learned along the way about the practices in this industry really made me mad. People were doing the right things in life — working hard, raising good families, paying bills, going to church, being good friends and family members — but when they became sick or were injured, the protections they thought they had were pulled from under them.

The battles many of you are waging for social security disability (SSDI) or for long-term disability benefits convinced me that I needed to focus my abilities on helping you.

In September 2010, I opened my own law firm, so that I could center my practice on fighting for disability clients.

Over time, I saw the battles many of my clients were facing as a result of greedy insurance company tactics designed to delay and deny. Some of my clients were injured in serious automobile crashes or industrial incidents. These clients were not being treated fairly and it re-ignited my passion. I started helping more and more clients fight for fair compensation for their personal injuries.

Loyd J Bourgeois family

I am committed to helping the little guy stand up to BIG insurance companies and government agencies.

I am a member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR), the National Association of Disability Representatives (NADR), the Louisiana State Bar Association, and the St. Charles Parish Bar Association. I am also the secretary of the Solo and Small Firms Section of the Louisiana State Bar Association and a notary public.

Most people who call our office have never been in a situation anything like what they're currently experiencing. They are often overwhelmed and confused about what to do. That drove me to write books to guide people through the process and answer the many questions that they have. My books include:

9 Mistakes That Can Disable Your Social Security Disability Claim

Quick Guide to Louisiana Accident and Injury Claims

Outside of work, I have coached baseball, soccer, and basketball. I serve on the Board of Directors of the United Way of St. Charles, was formerly the board secretary/treasurer, and am currently the Finance Committee Chairperson.

I am a member of the River Region Chamber of Commerce and the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce.

I love Louisiana despite its faults and am proud to be a part of New Orleans' recovery. I am a Tiger die-hard, a Saints believer, and a Pelicans fan.

I prefer fish to steak and love spending time on the water. I know that boiling shrimp is an art, much more so than boiling crawfish or crabs. I love a good gumbo (which I know tastes better the day after it was cooked). I have really eaten nutria. I like my Redfish grilled on the half shell and know that flounder are the best-eating fish around these parts, except for Sac-a-lait.

I prefer Abita beer, Miller Lite, and Crown & 7, but enjoy a glass of good wine, too. A great margarita is never frozen…A great snowball is.

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