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Martin Jones

Chastaine Jones Criminal Defense Attorneys
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Martin Jones
Chastaine Jones Criminal Defense Attorneys

Martin Jones has over 17 years of experience as a Criminal Defense Attorney. Martin started his career in Madera County as a public defender in the high-volume traffic court. He was promoted to Felony Supervisor for all criminal matters in a short time. A few years later, he was offered Assistant Chief Defense Attorney to the Placer County Public Defender Office.

Martin Jones is one of the most experienced trial attorneys in Placer County. He handled more than 60 high-profile trials, represented hundreds of clients, and worked on hundreds of DUI cases and suppression motions, including sex crimes, homicide, death penalties, arson, domestic violence, fraud, theft, and a large volume of drug crimes.

He is highly experienced in handling the most complex and challenging matters, such as death penalties, where the jury completely dismissed the allegations in most of the cases.

Martin has a B.S Degree in Biochemistry that allows him to handle cases with complex forensic evidence, including DNA and medical evidence. Martin served as a clerk to esteemed jurist William F. Rylaarsdam in the 4th District Court of Appeal. He regularly attends capital case training to ensure that he can provide Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyer's College Defense of the Damned training in 2018.

Martin left the Public Defender's office to bring his expertise to the private sector and have more time to focus on individual client needs. Martin has an impeccable reputation and thrives on getting the best results possible, no matter what the charges are. Because he is dedicated to staying on the cutting edge of criminal law, he provides fearless and compassionate defense.

B.S in Biochemistry from Cal State, Fullerton, NSF/REU grant

Graduated with top honors from Western State Law School, Fullerton, CA, Dean's List, Witkin Award, and Law Review Notes Editor

Member of the State Bar of California, admitted to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California

Board Member of the Placer Food Bank, Chairman of the Board 2017 - 2019

The Secretary of CalBike 2022- present

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