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Matthew Swanson

Jones & Swanson
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Matthew Swanson
Jones & Swanson

Unlike many of my colleagues, becoming an attorney was actually not my intended career path. My parents were the first in my family to graduate from college and none of my relatives had attended law school. Instead, I grew up in west Cobb County playing basketball and baseball - lots of baseball. Those days taught me a lot about the power of teamwork, the thrill of competition, and the necessity of hard work. In addition to being born and raised here, my roots in this community spread to Marietta High School (where both my parents graduated as well) and Marietta First Baptist Church just off the Marietta Square. As a Blue Devil at MHS, I continued to play sports, but my parents were strong advocates for doing well academically. Fortunately, that encouragement paid off and allowed me to attend Mercer University on an academic scholarship. While there, I joined the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity, made many lifelong friends, and eventually graduated cum laude with a degree in Economics in 2010.

During my collegiate years, my father began encouraging me to consider attending law school. For the time being, however, I pushed aside his advice and continued to press on towards graduation. However, during my senior year I came to the harsh reality that although my classes may have been interesting, a career in economics may not have been all I had hoped. So, I began to reconsider law school as a post-graduation option - one that could challenge me academically while affording me the opportunity to truly help people overcome the obstacles with which they had been presented. Let's face it, the vast majority of people only contact an attorney when something bad has happened in their lives.

So, in 2010 I began my legal studies at Mercer University's Walter F. George School of Law. During each summer of law school, I returned to Marietta where I was fortunate enough to intern at the Law Offices of Andrew W. Jones. Those summers were particularly enjoyable for me because they not only gave me a chance to learn how to practice law (something most law schools are woefully inadequate at doing), but they also helped me to realize that representing plaintiffs in personal injury matters could allow me to truly help people. Fortunately, after graduation I passed the Georgia Bar Exam and immediately began at the Law Offices of Andrew W. Jones representing injured victims in their claims against negligent drivers, property owners, and businesses.

It goes without saying that seeing a case through to an ultimately good and fair result is one of the most fulfilling parts of my job. However, I also thoroughly enjoy explaining to my clients insurance coverage, the claims process, and litigation so they can better understand the reason behind the advice I provide and the choices we make. Most people have never considered these things before, but I take great pride in having well-informed clients who are better able to make good decisions now and in the future for themselves and their families.

In addition to practicing law, I take great pride in continuing to be an active participant in this community. I am an active and lifelong member of Marietta First Baptist Church where I serve as a Deacon. I have also served in various capacities within the Cobb County Bar Association, including as the Younger Lawyers Division President, Trial Lawyers Association Treasurer and Secretary, and Sleighbells on the Square 5k Race Chairperson since 2013. That event raises money to support the Children's Emergency Fund which provides emergency financial assistance to Cobb County and Marietta City School students and their families. In just my second year of practice, I also co-chaired the New Lawyers Division of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association, a group of plaintiffs and claimants attorneys who have taken the lead in protecting all of our right to a trial by jury.

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