Orlando Attorney Steven D. Kramer is the founder of Kramer Law Firm.
Kramer has been recognized as a Best Lawyer in America for 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 (Woodward/White, 18th-21st Editions).
Best Lawyers is a publication of outstanding attorneys compiled by more than 3.9 million peer-review surveys in which leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. Best Lawyers is partnered with U.S. News & World Report, the leading rankings publication in the U.S.
A very small percentage of Attorneys in the United States are listed in Best Lawyers. Lawyers are not permitted to pay any fee to be included in Best Lawyers.
Kramer was also recently recognized in Florida's Best Lawyers 2013 and 2014 Editions (featured in the Wall Street Journal and Orlando Sentinel).
Kramer has also been recognized as a Top Lawyer in Orlando by Orlando Magazine for 2012, 2013, and 2014, as a Legal Elite Up & Comer by Florida Trend Magazine in 2010 and 2013, a Top Lawyer by Orlando Style Magazine, and Kramer has been rated 10 out of 10 as 'superb' by Avvo.com since 2009.
Steven D. Kramer was born in Florida and graduated from Longwood Elementary, Greenwood Lakes Middle School, and Lake Mary High School in Lake Mary, Florida.
Kramer has served as President of the prestigious William's Inn of Court, President of the Seminole County Bar Association, President of the Seminole County Legal Aid Society, is a Member of the Florida Council of Bar Association Presidents, and he serves as Vice-Chairman and Commissioner on the Judicial Nominating Commission (18th Circuit).
Kramer is a weekly guest on the Philips Phile on Real Radio 104.1 FM and nationally on Sirius XM/I Heart radio. Kramer is also a weekly guest for 'Kramer Makes the Call' on the Monsters in the Morning Show also on Real Radio 104.1 WTKS and Sirius XM/I Heart Radio.
Kramer has served as a legal analyst for various media outlets including Fox 35 News, News 96.5 WDBO, and Mix 105.1 WOMX.
Drive and Creativity
Before becoming an attorney, Kramer was a professional musician and composer. Kramer believes that the challenges of mastering music keep his mind keen, his demeanor humble, and that the creativity it fosters will serve his clients well by giving him the insight to approach every case fresh and to develop innovative and unique strategies.
HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL, Boston, Massachusetts
Certificate, Leading Small Business Through It's Lifecycle, June 2012
Certificate, Intellectual Property, December 2002
Juris Doctor, December 2002
Academic Honors: Dean's List Fall 2002, Dean's List Spring 2002, Dean's List Summer 2001, Dean's List Summer 2000
National Deans List/Who's Who Among American Law Students
Chester H. Ferguson Scholarship
Law School Toastmasters, Treasurer 1999
Mediation and Negotiation Clinic
Entertainment and Sports Law Society
Intellectual Property and Technology Association
Music Law Conference
UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainesville, Florida
Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude, May 1999
Major: Political Science; Minor: History
Completed all coursework and studies for Bachelor's Degree within three academic years
Graduated with Highest Honors
Honors Thesis
Academic Honors: President's List Fall 1997, Dean's List Spring 1999, Dean's List Fall 1998, Dean's List Spring 1998, Dean's List Summer 1997, Dean's List Spring 1997, Dean's List Summer 1996
Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society
Golden Key National Honor Society
Delta Upsilon International Fraternity, Historian 1998
Seminole County Bar Association
President, 2009- 2010
President-Elect, 2008-2009
Secretary, 2008-2009
Treasurer, 2007-2008
Seminole County Legal Aid Society
President, 2010- 2011
Vice-President, 2009-2010
Director, 2009-Present
Williams' Inn of Court
President, 2011- 2012
President-Elect, 2010-2011
Ethics Chair, 2009-2010
Secretary, 2008-2009
Program Chair, 2007-2008
Director, 2012-Present
Appointed by Governor Rick Scott to the Judicial Nominating Commission (Eighteenth Judicial Circuit), 2013
Vice-Chairman, 2013-Present
Commissioner, 2013-Present
Appointed by the Chief Justice to the Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice's Pro Bono Advisory Committee, 2011
Seminole County Young Lawyers Division
Director, 2006-2009
Florida Youth Symphony Orchestra
Director, 2011
Florida Hospital Foundation
Director, 2013-Present
Community Development Action Committee
Eden Spa, Founding 100, Florida Hospital Altamonte
One Pro Bono Service Award, Florida Supreme Court, 2013, 2014
Florida's Best Lawyers (Featured in The Wall Street Journal and The Orlando Sentinel), 2013, 2014, 2015
Election to The Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White 18-21st Ed.), 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Florida Bar President's Pro Bono Service Award (18th Judicial Circuit), 2013
Orlando's Best Lawyers, Orlando Magazine, 2012, 2013, 2014
Florida Legal Elite Up and Comer, Florida Trend Magazine Legal Elite, 2010, 2013
Pro Bono Stars, Florida Trend Magazine, 2013
Orlando's Top Lawyers, Orlando Style Magazine, 2012
10.0/10.0 Superb Rating, www.avvo.com, 2009-Present
Attorney of the Year Award, Seminole County Young Lawyers, 2011-2012
Martindale-Hubbell Client Rated Preeminent Attorney, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Pro-Bono Service Award, Seminole County Legal Aid Society, 2011
Nomination to The Best Lawyers in America(Woodward/White), 2011
Nomination to Forty Under 40, Orlando Business Journal, 2008, 2011, 2013
Outstanding Pro Bono Service Award, Florida Supreme Court, 2010
Service Award, Brevard County Bar Association, 2010
President's Award, Seminole County Legal Aid Society, 2010
The Distinguished Pro Bono Award, Seminole County Legal Aid Society, 2009
Florida Council of Bar Association Presidents
Seminole County Chamber of Commerce
Orlando JCC, Director, 2012-2014
Orlando Regional Realtors Association (ORRA)
Seminole County Legal Aid, Contributing Attorney
Florida Attorneys Saving Homes (FASH)
Florida Justice Teaching Program
Community Leaders and Elected Officials (CLEO), Sanford, Florida
Florida Bar Foundation, Lifetime Fellow
Seminole County Public Schools, Superintendent's Circle
Orange County Bar Association
Florida Bar Association: Business Section, Young Lawyers Division, Trial Lawyers Section, Criminal Defense Section, Real Property, Probate & Trust Section
Tiger Bay Club of Orlando, Florida
Metro Orlando Recovery Residences, Director, 2005-Present
Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
American Bar Association
United States Federal Court, Middle District of Florida
United States Federal Court, Northern District of Florida
United States Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
United States Tax Court
United States Supreme Court
Florida Bar Association
United States Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Florida
Co-Author, 'From Frye to Daubert and the Effect on Criminal Cases,' The Briefs, Orange County Bar Association, 2014
Author, '5 Things to Know About the Hobby Lobby Decision and Your Business,' Orlando Business Journal, June 2014, syndicated to the Jacksonville Business Journal and South Florida Business Journal, July 2014
Lecturer, 'Lawyer for Life: Finding Happiness as a Lawyer,' Seminole County Bar Association, July 2014
Author, 'Three Ways Your Business Complicates Divorce,' I4 Business Magazine, June 2014
Author, 'The 'P' Word: 4 Reasons Not to Fear a Prenup,' Lake Mary Life Magazine, May/June 2014
Author, 'Look Before You Leap,' Lake Mary Life Magazine, May/June 2013
Lecturer, 'Advance Directives and Estate Planning,' Meals on Wheels, Longwood, Florida, May 2014
Author, 'When Foreclosure Follows Divorce,' Orlando Style Magazine, December 1012
Author, 'How to Sniff Out Horse Sense in Business Lawyers,' Orlando Style Magazine, November 2012
Author, 'Recognizing Great Lawyers,' Orlando Style Magazine, September 2012
Editorial Advisory Board, Attorney at Law Magazine, 2011-2012
Lecturer and Author, 'Essentials of Foreclosure Defense,' Law Review CLE, Hilton, Orlando, Florida, 2012
'How to Survive & Recover in a Bad Economy,' Seminole State College, Sanford, Florida, 2012
Lecturer and Author, 'Foreclosure: The Impact on the Family and Family Law, Oh What a Tangled Web!,'Florida Bar Registered CLE, Altamonte Springs, Florida, 2011
Lecturer, 'Foreclosure Defense Strategies,' IDC Building, Altamonte Springs, 2009
Panelist, 'Ethical Issues in Trademark and Copyright Practice,' Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, Orlando, FL, 2008
Moderator, 'The Fate of Florida No-Fault Law, Policy, Practice and Legislation,' Williams' Inn of Court, Heathrow, FL, 2008
Lecturer, 'Advance Health Directives and Durable Healthcare Powers of Attorney,' Dialyses of Central Florida, Sanford, FL, 2007
Moderator, 'Legal Jeopardy,' Joint Meeting of the Central Florida Inns of Court and the Williams' Inns of Court, 2007
Lecturer, 'Effective Estate Planning,' Safe Harbor Center, Sanford, FL, 2006
Lecturer, 'Intergenerational Estate Planning,' Foster Grandparents Organization, Sanford, FL, 2006
Judge, International Negotiation Competition, Florida A & M Law School, 2006
Judge, Southeastern Mock Trial Competition, University of Central Florida, 2006
Author, 'The Rise of Two Party Florida,' University of Florida (Press), 1999 (Honors Thesis)
'Kramer Makes the Call,' The Monsters of the Morning, Real Radio 104.1 FM WTKS Orlando, 2011-Present
[Top Rated Morning Show in Orlando, Broadcast Nationally on Sirius XM/I Heart Radio, Weekly Featured Guest and Legal Commentator]
The Philips Phile, Real Radio 104.1 FM WTKS Orlando, 2013-Present
[Top Rated Afternoon Drive-time Show in Orlando, Broadcast Nationally on Sirius XM/ I Heart Radio, Weekly Featured Guest and Legal Commentator]
Bud Hedinger Live, 104.5 FM WFLF Orlando & 540 AM WFLA Orlando, 2013-2014
[Weekly Featured Guest and Legal Commentator, Broadcast Nationally on I Heart Radio]
'The Gentlemen's Guide to Manliness,' A Mediocre Time with Tom and Dan, Podcast, 2014- Present
[Regular Featured Guest]
SBK Live, Real Radio 104.1 FM WTKS Orlando, 2009-2013
[Top Rated Evening Show, Weekly Featured Guest and Legal Commentator]
Guest-Host & Co-Host, React Now: Zimmerman on Trial, News 96.5 WDBO Orlando, 2013
[Top Rated Daily Report on the George Zimmerman Trial]
Legal Analyst, WFLF104.5 FM WFLF Orlando & 540 AM WFLA Orlando, George Zimmerman Trial, 2013
[Top Rated Daily Report on the George Zimmerman Trial]
Legal Analyst, WFLF104.5 FM WFLF Orlando & 540 AM WFLA Orlando, George Zimmerman Trial, 2013
Legal Analyst, Real Radio 104.1 FM WTKS Orlando, Casey Anthony Trial & George Zimmerman Trial, 2011, 2013
Legal Analyst, News 96.5 FM WDBO Orlando 2013-Present
Legal Analyst, Mix 105.1 FM WOMX Orlando, 2013- Present
Legal Analyst, SBK Live Podcast, 2013- Present
Legal Analyst, Fox 35 WOFL Orlando, Various Appearances
'Fight to Legalize Gay Marriage Only Gets Hotter,' Sunshine State News, August 23, 2014
'Gay Marriage Ruling in Florida,' Fox 35 News, WOFL Fox Orlando, August 4, 2014
'Sedwick Family Files Civil Lawsuit over School Bullying,' News 96.5, WDBO 96.5 FM, Orlando, August, 2014
'Monroe County Circuit Judge Overturns Florida Ban on Gay Marriage,' Fox 35 News, WOFL Fox Orlando, July 17, 2014
'Zimmerman Appeals Defamation Ruling, But Chances are Slim,' News 96.5, WDBO 96.5 FM, Orlando, July, 2014
'The Future of Gay Marriage in Florida,' Fox 35 News, WOFL Fox Orlando, July 1, 2014
'U.S. Supreme Court Shields Privacy of Cell Phone,' Fox 35 News, WOFL Fox Orlando, June 25, 2014
'Red Light Camera Ruling by Supreme Court,' WESH 2 News, WESH NBC Orlando, June 13, 2014
'Red Light Camera Tickets Invalidated,' FOX 35 News, WOFL Fox Orlando, June 12, 2014
'Red Light Camera Tickets Invalidated,' News 96.5 WDBO Orlando, June 12, 2014
'Florida Supreme Court Finds Red Light Camera Ordinances Invalid,' Daytona Beach News Journal, June 12, 2014
'What Happens if You Ignore a Parking Ticket'' www.credit.com and www.finance.yahoo.com, May 29, 2014
'Darden Announces Sale of Red Lobster,' WFTV 9 News, WFTV ABC Orlando, May 16, 2014
'Black Box Could be Key in Winter Park Daycare Crash,' Local 6 News, WKMG CBS Orlando, April 14, 2014
'Mom Drove Van Into Ocean with Kids,' Fox 35 News, WOFL Fox Orlando, March 7, 2014
'Foreclosure: An Overview,' Seminole County Government Television, May 2013
'Pro Bono Stars,' Florida Trend Magazine, April 2013
'Same Sex Marriage Before the U.S. Supreme Court,' Bud Hedinger Live, 104.5 FM WFLF & 540 AM WFLA Orlando, March 27, 2013
'Legal Roundup,' Bud Hedinger Live, 104.5 FM WFLF & 540 AM WFLA Orlando, March 6, 2013
'Fiasco at Sea, The Carnival Triumph,' Bud Hedinger Live, 104.5 FM WFLF & 540 AM WFLA Orlando, February 15, 2013
'Flexible Spending Accounts,' Central Florida News 13, January 2013
'Averting the Fiscal Cliff,' Central Florida News 13, December 2012
'Spotlight on Law,' Orlando Style Magazine, September 2012
'Law Firm of the Month,' Attorney at Law Magazine, February 2012
'Trends, What is the Most Overlooked Business Liability,' Orlando Business Journal, June 2011
'Florida Legal Elite,' Florida Trend Magazine, July 2010
'Legal Advice a Critical Part of Starting a New Business,' Orlando Business Journal, June 18, 2010
'Is it OK to Walk Away,' People Power Hour, 810 AM WEUS Orlando, May 24, 2010
'Step by Step: How to Hire a Lawyer,' Orlando Sentinel, February 8, 2010
Ask a Lawyer with Steve Kramer, Real Radio 104.1 FM WTKS Orlando, www.wtks.com, Orlando, 2008-2010
'Tastes Like Chikin,' Orlando Weekly, May 5, 2010
'Lawyers, Guns and Money,' People Power Hour, 810 AM WEUS Orlando, March 22, 2010
'Taking on the Homeowner's Association,' CBS Local 6 News, WKMG CBS Orlando, November 9, 2009
'Can Obama's Mortgage Assistance Program Help You,' People Power Hour, 810 AM WEUS Orlando, April 3, 2009
'Show Me the Note: Foreclosure Defenses,' Fox 35 News, WOFL Fox Orlando, February 24, 2009