The desire to help folks, and provide a service to them, took seed a long time ago. Looking back, it is easy to see that the idea of service to others, over service to self, took hold during my time at a Jesuit High School where I volunteered at the local Y to help younger kids in their afterschool program. This concept was reinforced when I attended the United States Military Academy (West Point), where I truly learned the value of service and saw the sacrifice that our veterans make. These lessons help guide me when working with clients, including being the program defense counsel for the Williamson County Veterans Treatment Court.
During my legal career that now exceeds 30 years, I pride myself on always remembering what is important – the client. Whether it seems like a simple criminal trespass charge, a complicated fraud case, a domestic violence allegation, or driving while intoxicated charge, the key is always the client. My experience gives me the ability to analyze a situation quickly and thoroughly; however, it is not until I visit with the client that I am able to more fully understand what happened, what is the key evidence, and what the client is comfortable pursuing as opposed to trying to shoehorn the client into an uncomfortable position.
While practicing for more than 30 years seems like a lot, and that I know what I need to, that is not the case. Every year I spend time attending seminars, both in Texas and put on by national authorities in their areas, to make sure I stay abreast of changes in the law, and best practices when it comes to, negotiating with the State before trial, or presenting your case in trial. Additionally, I stay abreast of changes in the community, whether it be the opening of a new gas station/convenience store, the opening of another new, make that six new, apartment complexes, or the addition/expansion of a subdivision. These changes impact the makeup of our jury pools, something to always keep in mind when dealing with a criminal case. While some crimes may be considered inexcusable, the last decade has seen shifts in what people think about certain types of behavior, and how what was once frowned upon may get a more favorable outcome with a jury deciding the punishment, as opposed to a judge.
While my career allowed me to represent folks in State and Federal Courts across the country, become licensed in multiple states, and handle some very interesting matters, the last 15 years in Williamson County are some of the most personally fulfilling years of my career. Helping folks navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system, ensuring that their voice is heard, and that their individual rights are protected, are things that I truly enjoy.