Watch the webinar, "Why TBI Treatment is so Important for Your Client" today.
Learn from professionals how to perform an initial assessment to determine if your client should be seen by a professional, and understand what options are available for care. A better understanding of the seriousness of a TBI can help your client get the treatment they may need and the verdict they deserve.
During this webinar with John Zacharias, founder and COO of Advantage Healthcare Systems and Dr. C. Alan Hopewell, a neuropsychologist with Advantage Healthcare discuss TBI identification and treatment options for your clients.
View the webinar recording here.
This program is sponsored by HMR Funding.
Is your client either uninsured, underinsured or denied coverage for some reason? Does your client need funding assistance to pay for their medical expenses or pay for their living expenses while they recover from their injuries?
HMR Funding is your medical funding solution. We take the risk the same as you, so you can help your client pay for the treatment they may need to get on a path to recovery while you work to get them the justice they deserve.